Sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride to a simple process and fast turn times with our Express Conforming Program!
Faster, simpler, and more efficient.
Get ready to experience faster turn times with ResiCentral's Express Conforming Program, perfect for those with W‑2 or fixed income only and offering a range of loan options, all while enjoying improved pricing and a simple process. ResiCentral's Express Conforming Program is the way to go for W‑2 or fixed‑income customers.
Primary Residence Only
No Subordinate Financing
No Non‑Occupant Co‑Borrower(s)
No Self‑Employment
Appraisals and PIWs Acceptable
Purchase and Refinances Acceptable
Only One Property Owned
For Refinances, only the subject property can be owned
For Purchases, the borrower cannot own any properties at the time of closing
Departure residence (if owned) must be sold prior to or at the note date
Let us exceed your expectations
Grow your business by choosing a leading lender with fast turn times, competitive rates, and a great lending experience.